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มีระยะเวลา 6 เดือน (เริ่มวันที่ 1 มีนาคม 2568 - วันที่ 31 สิงหาคม 2568) จำนวน 5 ฐานข้อมูล ได้แก่
1. Sage Campus ใช้งานได้ที่ -> https://campus.sagepub.com/
(Sage Campus helps every student and researcher master the essential skills needed to succeed in their academic study and beyond, from navigating and critically assessing information to handling data, learning a new programming language, and publishing for impact. All courses are flexible and self-paced to suit learners with varying priorities and schedules. We use a carefully devised mix of activity types, including videos, flowcharts, quizzes, checklists and much more to keep learners engaged and challenged. Assign courses to your students in a flipped or blended learning classroom or refer them to Sage Campus as part of their own study time.)
2. Sage Research Methods ใช้งานได้ที่ -> https://methods.sagepub.com/
(Learn the skills every researcher needs to give their work maximum impact with the only tool dedicated to research skills training. It’s the result of decades spent championing research methods publishing)
3. IOS Press ใช้งานได้ที่ -> https://content.iospress.com/journals/
(IOS Press is an independent international scientific, technical, medical (STM) publishing house established in 1987 in Amsterdam. We are proud to include IOS Press into our quality portfolio of Science, Technology and Medicine. With this move, Sage acquires over 80 journals and a front list of 70 plus books each year covering subjects such as neuroscience, medical informatics, cancer research, artificial intelligence (AI), data science, geriatric care and these mantic web. A Natural Partnership With a focus on innovation, integrity and impact, IOS Press is an ideal fit with Sage.)
4. IMECHE ใช้งานได้ที่ -> https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/asi/imeche
(The IMechE journals cover all aspects of mechanical engineering from 1847 to the present day. Each of the other 18 journals, including the 16 proceedings of the IMechE, is focused on particular area of engineering to offer a greater depth of coverage in mechanical engineering.
Each journal has its own international Editorial Board, all of whom are leading engineers in their field, guided by a eminent engineer. The collection has provided a unique contribution to knowledge for over 160+ years.)
5. The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) ใช้งานได้ที่ -> https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/asi/rsm
(The Royal Society of Medicine Collection, published by Sage, range in scope from primary research to clinical practice, covering topics from experimental medicine to venous disease. The flagship Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM) is one of the most widely read and enjoyed general medical periodicals, providing insight into a broad spectrum of issues facing medical professionals.)
ใช้งานได้ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 มีนาคม 2568 - วันที่ 31 สิงหาคม 2568