การใช้มัลติเปอร์สเปกทีพโมเดลในการทดสอบหาปัจจัยที่ก่อให้เกิดปัญหาในการติดตั้ง SKRU-WIFI (Using Multi-Perspective model testing factors SKRU-WIFI implementation)




อำนาจ ทองขาว, กฤษณ์วรา รัตนโอภาส







Now a day Information technology is important for education system included regular university or Open University and lifelong learning. Most of Education in the world increase investment information technology for education system for serves students. The very high of education competition, the universities decided implementation information technology for education system. In a past few year Songkhla Rajabhat University (SKRU) integrated wireless technology for service education system, the expected signal cover university areas but the wireless network system inconsistency, stopped service and have many problem. This research to investigate the factors of wireless implementation at Songkhla Rajabhat University by using Multi Perspective Model or TOP model (Technical, Organisational, Personal).This research is a qualitative research interpretive study, data were collected several methods; wireless signal monitoring, observation, technical participate and semi-structure interviews stakeholders: Director Computer Center, Lecturers, Technicians and Students by using TOP theme and data analysis by using template analysis. The outcome of this study founded four of main factors included: Technical Factors, Organisational Factors, Personal Factors and Financial Factors.

